"... kord saavad niidud rohelust täis :7 .."

Tõde on relatiivne, aga igal juhul olemas.

teisipäev, märts 01, 2005

Florida, still in my mind...

yhel juulikuu hommikul leidsin ma oma florida-kodust köögilaualt paberilehe, millel omakorda oli luuletus .. kahjuks ei leidnud ma sellelt autori nime. :( Life's Clock The clock of life is wound but once And no man has the power To tell just where the hands will stop At late or early hour To lose one's wealth is sad indeed To lose one's health is more To lose one's soul is such a loss As no man can restore The present only is our own Live, love, toil with a will - Place no faith in "tomorrow" - for The clock may then be still