ma ei kirjuta tavaliselt poliitikast. blog on rohkem "mind ei huvita poliitika, ma olen naine .. :)"-stiilis, aga eile ei pidanud mu muidu leebe meel vastu. :(
Barbara Bush comments on survivors spark outrage - September 7, 2005 : "They're underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them" ... former first lady Barbara Bush and former president George Bush visit hurricane evacuees in Houston on Monday." -
Comments about Hurricane Katrina victims by the mother of President George Bush have fuelled the ire of some Americans, who see the Bush family as out-of-touch patricians. The refugees in Houston, Texas, were "underprivileged anyway" and life in the Astrodome sports arena is "working very well for them", former first lady Barbara Bush said in a radio interview. "Almost everyone I've talked to says: 'We're going to move to Houston,' " Mrs Bush said late on Monday after visiting evacuees at the Astrodome with her husband, former president George Bush. "What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," she said. "And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this - this is working very well for them." Her comments were aired on Marketplace, an American Public Radio show broadcast nationwide. They triggered a flood of negative messages on the Huffington Post, a popular left-leaning blog. "Cold hearted witch," read one of the more polite comments, signed by IowaDem.
A CNN journalist also attacked Brown. "How it is possible that we have better information than you? Why aren't supplies being dropped in [by plane]? In Banda Aceh, in Indonesia, they did it two days after the tsunami." Another CNN reporter interrupted Senator Mary Landrieu during an interview in which she was praising Congress for passing an emergency aid package. "Excuse me Senator, I'm sorry for interrupting. I haven't heard anything about that, because I was busy these past four days seeing dead people on the street. And when I hear how one politician congratulating the others ... Yesterday there was a corpse on the street which had been eaten by rats because it had been there for 48 hours." If the alarm bells are not already going off in the Oval Office, they should be, because the previously staunchly pro-Bush Fox News is also starting to show signs of disaffection. As one of their reporters was being directed to another area because of the danger caused by looting, he spoke quickly into his microphone, saying: "These people are desperate. Why shouldn't they try to steal water and food from us?"
(allikas -
see on nii masendav, et siia alla nyyd omi muresid nagu ei kõlbagi kirja panna. vms. polegi õieti teisi.
nädalavahetusel siis maraton. :D pärast seda võiks laiemas ringis mingi rahvaga teed juua.
ahjaa, mingi veksel sai välja käidud - kui saab 100 luuletust kokku, siis tuleb raamat. praegu on neid 65. näis ;)
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