Paralleelne Universum
.: kui krõbe hommikukylm kohtab päiksetõusu :.
.: kui äratuskellahelin kohtab pannkookide ja kohvi lõhna :.
.: kui mu unised silmad põrkuvad vastu sinu uniseid silmi :.
.: kui ma pean ette kujutama, et sa kujutad ette :.
.: mind sinu kõrvale ja sind minu :.
.: olenemata reaalsest kaugusest :.
.: kas pole see siis väike maailm meie peades ? :.
Need pidustused panid mind mõtlema, kui palju maailmu mahub yhe maailma sisse ?
Tänaõhtune film pani mind mõtlema, kas see, et/kui me ei näe oma maailmas paradiisi, on vaid meie silmade viga?
Filmiks oli The Beach, peaosas DiCaprio (jahh, see "iluspoiss", kellele aegajalt meeldib arusaamatuid kujusid mängida.) Sellest pikemalt yhelt ingliskeelselt lehekyljelt:
"Shot on the stunningly beautiful island of Phi Phi Le off the beach resort of Phuket, The Beach is, as Boyle´s description of Richard´s character implies, a romantic tale of finding paradise only in the first half of the story. As it progresses, it becomes an increasingly dark and violent tale of how the most beautiful of dreams eventually turns inward and becomes a nightmare. By the end, the very thing that made The Beach so perfect - the fact that it was completely secret and cut off from the rest of the world - is what makes it so threatening. Hard to find, it is even harder to leave.
“Searching for paradise is ingrained in many of our psyches,” says Boyle, the characters in whose first two films sought happiness in rather less idyllic ways (via theft, murder and drugs). “But the problem with paradise is that it´s exclusive by nature. The characters who live at what they think is paradise - The Beach - don´t want anyone else coming and spoiling the land. They want it to remain exclusive. And inevitably, when they are threatened by new arrivals, they´ll do anything - even resort to violence - to protect paradise. That´s one of the ironies of the story.”"
Rohkemat siia täna kritseldada oleks tõsine kuritegu.
Püsigem soojas ja jäägem kalliks. Saagem/jäägem terveks.
Teed ja kyyslauguleiba. Luba, et sööd. Teen sama.
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